I've recently started to use GnuPG 1.0.1 with mutt 1.2i. I notice a small

1. If I receive a message with a PGP signature attached, and view it with
mutt, gpg claims that it's a bad signature, even if the signature is good,
in certain circumstances. In particular, this happens if the incoming
message has the double-dash-space signature in the message body, eg:

Hi Anand

blah blah blah.


If a message is sent to me without the double-dash signature, the pgp
signature verification succeeds. More interestingly, if the space after the
double-dash is removed, the signature verification ALSO SUCCEEDS. Now I
know that the convention for signatures is '-- \n', but that space somehow
seems to be breaking gpg's ability to verify PGP signatures. Anyone have
any idea why this might be so?


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