On 10/06, Paul rearranged the electrons to read:
> I am still trying to find my way around the rest
> of mutt's features, like changing to another mail folder etc.

I've re-bound the key to "g" for me, but I believe the default is to hit
"c" and type the name of the folder you want to change to.  Hitting "c"
and then "?" will list the available folders for you, which you can then
browse and select with your arrow keys & Enter.

What was weird for me to get used to about this is that it required me
to prefix the folder name with a "=" or a "+" in order to change to it.
I kept trying to type just the folder name and it didn't like it.  That
frustrated me for a while.

Getting back to the inbox was what was confusing for me, at first, but
using the "!" shortcut to go back to your spool/inbox works like a charm.

> The interface is still confusing to me, and from what I can see in all
> the mails flying around here, the features that mutt has to offer may
> even be far more than I could ever need.

Nonsense.  You'll grow into it...Trust me.  ;-)

I used to be a hardcore Pine user and initially stayed away from Mutt,
because it was too much like Elm on the surface (which I loathed for a
long time), but as soon as I tried Mutt for a day, I was sold.  Ever
since, I've been finding myself making use of one or two new features a
week and customzing the hell out of the thing.  Way too cool.

Anyhow, I'll stop rambling now.

Have a good day :)

- Jamie

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