On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 05:51:22AM -0400, Rob Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It works, but I don't understand why.  Shouldn't 'r[e]almutt' just parse to
> "realmutt"?

    Yes, it's the same as matching with the regex 'realmutt'.  However,
the grep process will appear in the ps listing as "grep r[e]almutt",
which doesn't match the regex because of the square brackets.

> And just to play devil's advocate:  Which costs more: | grep -v grep or 
> the difference between grep regex and grep plain_old_string?

    I'd still have to say the extra process caused by "grep -v grep".
Unless grep has some short-circuit check enabled, I'm guessing it still
makes calls to regcomp and regexec in either case, and the performance
probably doesn't vary that much.

    That said, I've alway used "grep -v grep", and unless you are
calling this repeatedly, it's unlikely you'll see a difference in

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  a court order, said he had found 3,000 bugs marked by Microsoft
  programmers in the portion of Windows 98 he had examined -- and he
  had looked at only one-seventh of it."
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