
at the moment I move 1 week old mails automatically in ~/Mail/archiv/mbox
with the following line in my .muttrc:
folder-hook =mutt-users$                'push T~r>1w!~F\n\;s+archiv/mutt-users.gz\n'

The problem is, when there are no mails which are 1 week old, mutt
everytime askes "Append messages to foo? ([yes]/no)". Is it possible to
disable this question completely? If there are mails which are 1 week old
or older than mutt moves these mails in ~/Mail/archiv/mbox, without
questioning, and if there are no mails then do nothing?

Regards/Gruesse, Norbert

/  Norbert Tretkowski        http://nexus.nobse.de        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \
`  1024D/0F7A8D01     4A6B 2543 679D 43B0 2B63  5439 AFF4 670B 0F7A 8D01  '

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