I'm using mutt-1.2.5 with gnupg-1.0.4 under Linux 2.2.14.

Within my .muttrc, I include 'gpg.rc' from the 'contrib' subdirectory
in the mutt-1.2.5 source tree, and I use this without any changes.

I have chosen not to auto-sign (i.e., I set 'pgp_sign_as' to "" within
.muttrc), and when I type 'pa' after composing a message, I very
nicely get the "Sign as:" prompt.  However, no matter what I enter
after this prompt, I just get this "Sign as:" prompt again.  I have
typed my key ID's, as well as other identifying information for the
key that work with the '--list-keys' option of 'gpg', but nothing

However, if within my .muttrc I set 'pgp_sign_as' to a valid key ID,
then everything works fine when I type "ps" before sending ... so I
know that at least most of the basic gpg commands are set up properly.

At the time I send an email, I'd like to choose the key that I'd like
to use for signing.  Is this possible at all?  Am I missing something

Thanks in advance.


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