On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 09:09:23PM +0100, Jonathan Gift wrote:

> I find that when I'm forwarding an email, it forwards all the previous
> headers. There must be a setting in .muttrc to turn it off. I tried
> unset forward_quote but no go.

The 'weed' variable is the one you're looking for.  When this variable
is set, mutt will weed headers when displaying, forwarding, printing, or
replying to messages.  It is set by default.  Which headers are weeded
is controlled by the [un]ignore command.  Weeding can be toggled on and
off from the index and pager menus (and a few others) by typing 'h'.

For example (from the manual, section 3.8), if you wanted to remove all
but the basic headers from forwarded messages, you could

    set weed
    ignore *
    unignore from date subject to cc


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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