On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 10:20:17AM +0100, Daniel Kollar wrote:
> Hi,
> thank you the regexp, but mutt still does not show threads. I'm
> puzzled.
> An example of the subjects, which should be recognized as a thread is
> following:
> Subject: [ifc-ml:2583] Re: Illegal circuit data for smincut
> Subject: [ifc-ml:2584] Re: Illegal circuit data for smincut
> The sorting method is "thread", and there is of course
> "strict_threads" unset.
> Somehow the regexp still does not work.
> Any idea?

The problem here, as I understand it, is that mutt expects reply
subjects to be of the form

    <reply expression><parent subject>

But certain list servers construct original subjects like this

    [ifc-ml:####] <base subject>

and replies like this

    [ifc-ml:####] Re: <base subject>

Note that part of the parent subject line has been removed from the
reply subject line.

Even if you construct a reply_regexp that matches "[ifc-ml:####] Re:  ",
mutt still can't identify the parent message because the base subjects
don't match:  mutt is looking for a parent message whose subject is
"<base subject>", but the subject of the parent message is actually
"[ifc-ml:####] <base subject>".  Mutt's threading would only work if the
replies were of the form

    [ifc-ml:####] Re: [ifc-ml:####] <base subject>

            ^^^^              ^^^^
            reply ID          base message ID

I hope that was clear.

I think the only solution available to us is to change the internals of
mutt to recognize this sort of mangled subject.  Perhaps "we" could add
a subject_ignore_regexp to tell mutt what part of a subject line to
ignore when threading messages.


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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