On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 01:54:13PM -0500, George Quaweay wrote:
> Im new to the Linux and to the Unix world for that matter.
> Im user Mutt for my email editor.
> I would like to learn as much as possible about this editor.
> what do you recommend ?

Welcome!  I think you'll really enjoy using mutt, and Linux, too.

To start with, mutt is a mailer, otherwise known as a mail user agent
(MUA) or an e-mail client.  It is not an editor.  That distinction
sometimes confuses people at first.  To learn about mutt,

    -  Read the manual.
    -  Use the help screens.
    -  Follow this list.
    -  Follow the comp.mail.mutt newsgroup.
    -  Look at http://www.mutt.org/.

The web site has links to a number of resources that might be helpful,

    -  Articles in the press
    -  Mutt FAQ
    -  Sample configuration files

Reading the manual is good, but it's difficult to absorb everything in
it.  It can also be difficult to distinguish the important, often-used
features from the more esoteric ones, and the _implications_ of various
features are not always obvious, at least to me.  I've learned the most
from reading this list, trying out features that are discussed here,
then reading the relevant parts of the manual to find out more.


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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