Horace --

First, you should know that the proper address for the mutt-users list is
@mutt.org rather than @gbnet.  The latter sometimes leaks out because
that's where the list is actually hosted, but please don't use it.

...and then Horace G. Friend III said...
% Hi All,
% I d/led and installed urlview-0.9 which seem to work fine except that when I press 
CTRL-B, urlview reports that it has found a URL but it doesn't display any url.

When you hit Ctrl-B, you hand the message off to urlview and start it up.
You have to select the URL and hit return, though, to have it processed.
There is, IIRC, a configuration file which will control how urlview
behaves, including what browser to fire off under what conditions.

% How do I use the pipe command to pipe to say links? I've tried it but it crashed my 
xterm. I'm using KDE 2.0.

If you can pipe to cat or less, mutt is working.  I dunno about links or
the URL you're trying to pipe, so I can't really provide any suggestions
about why you'd have those problems...

% Thanks in advance.


% -- 
% Horace G. Friend III
% PGP DH/DSS Key Fingerprint [Send email for public key.]
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David T-G                       * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]      * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.bigfoot.com/~davidtg/        Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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