On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 09:42:04AM -0600, Aaron Schrab wrote:
> At 08:03 -0500 26 Mar 2001, Adam Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I *am* using courier, and am quite aware of the author's, uh,
> > personality. (-: But since it didn't work on the fcc, I would assume
> > something else is culprit?
> Well, then it appears that you have a problem in addition to courier.
> But from your earlier message it does look like courier is causing
> additional corruption, making diagnosis harder.  You may want to try
> attaching a gzipped copy (to prevent courier from messing with it) of a
> signed message, that may help to give a better idea of what's going
> wrong.

Here is a gzipped test message direct from my Sent maildir.

Thanks for your help,


Adam Sherman
President & Technology Architect
Tritus Consultant Group Inc.

GPG Test Signed Msg

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