
Here is how it works: a really simple script will call a "text to html"
program to generate the output, and then pipe it through to your
favorite browser.  This way, the links and the original messages will
be in one page.

You will need a "text to html" program.  The one I use here is
"ettext2html" but you can try some others.

Here is the script I called "viewmail":
# Convert mail message to HTML and export it to a browser
# Filter out mail headers as well.

if [ ! -d "$HOME/tmp" ]; then
        mkdir "$HOME/tmp"

sed '1,/^$/d' | $TXT2HTML > $HOME/tmp/tmp.html 2>/dev/null
chmod 644 $HOME/tmp/tmp.html

netscape -remote $NETSCAPE
# lynx $HOME/tmp/tmp.html

rm -f $HOME/tmp/tmp/html
Save the above script as viewmail, chmod 755 and put it in your path.

Now, in your muttrc:
        macro index \cb |urlview\n 'View webpage'
        macro pager \cb |urlview\n 'View webpage'
        macro index \cb |viewmail\n 'View webpage'
        macro pager \cb |viewmail\n 'View webpage'


Linux 2.2.19 #2 Sat Apr 14 12:45:42 CST 2001 i586 unknown
4:00pm up 2 days, 13:46, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 

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