On 2001-05-16 11:45 +0200, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:

> Purists and
> Cassandras that cry out each time a user asks for SMTP delivery in mutt
> are out of touch.

No they're not. They're very much in touch with what they need
and want.

> Mutt should be accessible out of the box. It should work immediately
> without any need for external utilities.

You're going to add an MTA first (reimplement sendmail). Then
someone is going to say "what about filtering" ? So you're going
to reimplement procmail, badly. And then somebody else is going
to say "wouldn't it be nice if it read HTML ?" or "hey, where is
the GUI ?" or "but it's not integrated with KDE !". And so on.

If you want Netscape or OE, you know where to find them. Please
leave Mutt alone.

> Let's try to bridge the gap between "us" and "them".

Why not but not at our expense.

> PS: see nail's home page at http://omnibus.ruf.uni-freiburg.de/~gritter/
> for a minimalist, hard-core Unix MUA that thinks SMTP if good idea

Then you would better serve your agenda by contributing to that
project than by lobbying for Mutt to bend in that direction. If
you want to work on an SMTP-aware MUA, more power to you. But
don't make Mutt users pay for something they won't use.

André Majorel
Home: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/

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