Hey all.  Another quick question here.

I have a send-hook set up so that when I send to a closed group, like
mutt, my From: header is munged so that I get the '+folder' portion I
subscribed with.  Basically, this was done so that sendmail can sort
my mail into the appropriate folders.

Anyway, I noticed that when I do a group reply, it works.  But if I am
writing a new message, and address it after the message is composed
(using 't' for the recipient, 's' for the subject, etc) it doesn't
work.  It doesn't work if you put the address in while composing,
either (edit_hdrs is set).

When, exactly are these hooks called?  it seems there must be a
way to make it work on any message, otherwise the send-hooks aren't
much good.  Is it possible that they are only getting called when the
message is initiated rather than when it is sent?  If so, how do I
invoke a new mail message for a specific recipient?

It seems like moving the hook invocation to some point after the final
approval of a message is a project that could go eather way - a total
breeze, or a complete cluster&*#!.  It all depends on what the
designer was thinking at the time.

Thanks all.


Louis LeBlanc
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
http://acadia.ne.mediaone.net                ԿԬ

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