Hey all.  I have an unusual request here.
I noticed that for any message, if you look at the attachments menu
('v'), you will always see the message itself as an attachment (which
makes perfect sense if you understand even a little about RFC 822).
Anyway, it gave me an idea.  What if I wanted to call an external
program against the text in that attachment - regardless of the mime
type?  How could that be done?

For instance:
Someone sends me a 2000 line message that I know is mostly babble.  I
want to run a script or other program to condense it, maybe put it
into a more readable format, whatever.  The program in question would
simply take the text through a pipe or a tempfile as a parameter.  The
output could then either be saved, or depending on the outcome, have
another application run to view it immediately.

Any ideas?  I know this is a bit vague, but there is some room for
speculation.  One idea is to sort the joke mail by using a hook,
binding or macro or something from the attachment menu to strip the
'>' quoted chars and save the message in a specified directory under a
given name without having to edit and save manually.  Or even append
it to an existing file.  If the previous forwarded message shows up as
a separate attachment, as is often the case, it would be easy to just
hit a hotkey from there to zap that message to the end of a file.

Seems this might also be applied to some of the NG posts - they would
need to run something against the message to decode the binary posts,
right?  I have been looking at some of the *.games binary NGs and I
noticed they are all handled on the fly by Netscape.  I'm not sure how
to handle these in mutt, but that's not a big deal, but the idea is

Any ideas?

Louis LeBlanc
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
http://acadia.ne.mediaone.net                ԿԬ

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