add to your .procmailrc

:0 Bfh
* H ?? !^Lines:
* -1^0
*  1^1 ^.*$
| formail -A "Lines: $="

On Wed 30 May 2001, Louis LeBlanc wrote:
> I noticed that mutt does not look at how many lines a message has
> until you explicitly read it.  Once you do, mutt only remembers the
> number until you quit.  Some messages, on the other hand, include an
> explicit 'Lines:' header, which mutt will read and use to display the
> number of lines in the message.  However, mutt does not generate this
> header itself.  Any idea why?  Is this to be fixed in future releases?
> Is there a way to get mutt to check the number of lines in messages
> even if they don't include a 'Lines:' header?
> Thanks
> Lou
> -- 
> Louis LeBlanc
> Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
>                ԿԬ


   $company = 'WebSideStory, Inc.';

   $contact_info = array(
        'addr1' => '10182 Telesis Ct., 6th Floor',
        'addr2' => 'San Diego, CA, 92121',
        'p' => '858. 546. 1182 x464',
        'f' => '858. 546. 0480',
        'e' => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

   while(list($k,$v)=each($contact_info)) {
         echo "$v<br>\n";

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