
I apologize for posting this here, but it's about professional use
of email, so I thought that Mutt users would know the answer anyway
:-)). Please do point me to more appropriate forums, if you know them.


I love Mutt, but am forced to read email via WWW quite often. The
availability/ reliability of webmail services is pityful. Very often I
have been able to read or send very important messages only with hours
or DAYS of delay.

Changing provider is not a solution, as this happens to all of them,
sooner or later. For obvious reasons, they don't give any uptime
guarantees, don't upgrade their HW when the load increases, nor they
have an help desk service. On the other hand, one can't distribute a
new email address every other month.

I initially solved this problem with the BIGFOOT email distribution
service, meaning that:

- I distributed an @bigfoot.com address, and always use it as a
  reply-to header

- Bigfoot servers distribute all incoming messages to up to five email

- I always found at least one of these providers up and running.


After more than one year of free service, Bigfoot has told me that if
I still want distribution, I have to pay for it. Fair enough, but
before shelling the money out, I would like to know:

1) Is somebody already paying for this Bigfoot service? Is it worth it
   in terms of uptime/reliability/support/etc?

2) Do you know of other providers offering the same service?

3) Is there any email provider that, paying something, obviously,
gives guarantees like "we never loose messages/our email servers and
web interface will be up and running 99.XX% of the time/etc.."?

3) Are there other solutions to this problem, i.e. other ways to
distribute always one email address, but guarantee that if somebody
sends to you an email, it *will* reach you sooner or later?


                        Marco Fioretti

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