On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 12:24:51AM -0700, Igor Pruchanskiy wrote:
> -- 
> <?php
>    $company = 'WebSideStory, Inc.';
>    $contact_info = array(
>         'addr1' => '10182 Telesis Ct., 6th Floor',
>         'addr2' => 'San Diego, CA, 92121',
>         'p' => '858. 546. 1182 x464',
>         'f' => '858. 546. 0480',
>         'e' => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
>    while(list($k,$v)=each($contact_info)) {
>          echo "$v<br>\n";
>    }
> ?>

The "NetSide" story is that it's bad form to include such a large sig in
your messages! I would suggest obfuscating it to a 1-2 liner, or
switching to Perl, or dream up a new 2-3 liner. ;)
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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