excuse the new user.

I'm trying to get a single-key binding to open
the folder list. Neither a macro to c<Tab> or c?
work as expected  in all circumstances (e.g. c? fails
when mutt fills a folder in the prompt).

How can I do this so one key will always bring up the folder list ?
There didn't seem to be such a function list-folders in the reference.

Also, is it possible for the position in the folder index to default
to the last folder opened ? There seems to be no config option for that.

Finally, how do I get mutt to actually show the outgoing message in the compose
window, so I can review it one last time w/o having to re-enter my editor ? It
shows it as an attachment currently


"The English approach to ideas is not to kill them, but to let them die of neglect."
        - Jeremy Paxman 

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