On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 11:38:02AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> After a couple of years of experience with Linux and use of X-Window
> mail readers, I've now installed Mutt from Debian potato on my portable
> PC together with exim as MTA.
> I know that Mutt is perhaps the best mail-reader in the linux world but
> find the intricacies of setting it up somewhat tiring (above all the
> fact that it's only a mail reader without any MTA and MUA ability as
> the various balsa, kmail and so on).
> Is there anybody out there able to give me the BASIC and simple
> instructions to set Mutt (and exim) up  ONLY to read and send mail
> through a dialup - up connection to my ISP or suggest articles on the
> Internet where I can find those pieces of info?
> I'll give here some information for an example
> SMTP server: mail.libero.it
> POP3 server: pop3.libero.it
> user:victor(@libero.it)
> password:ghost
> Thanks
> Vittorio

The 'eximconfig' script that comes with Debian provides a fairly
straightforward way of setting up exim.

Also look into fetchmail for popping your mail to your computer...

Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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