
i'm experiencing strange behaviour of the mutt in the index.  some of
the email sent to me is presented like this:
     25 r F Jun 07 To Christoph Ul (0.6K) Re: webserver und datenbank
->   26   F Jun 08 To Christoph Ul (0.4K)  *>

other lines display the sender name (as i would like things to be like):
->   18   + May 29 Monika Mueller  (0.4K) Exkursionsbeitrag

the relevant config line is:
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4c) %s"

the headers of these messages look quite normal to me.  neither of the
three messages above is from myself.  all have been sent to me.

a problem that is probably related to this one is that replying to a
message like the first two shown above suggests sending the email to
myself instead of to the person who sent it to me.  this behaviour
puzzles me.

can anyone give me a hint as to what is going on here?



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