On 2001.07.11, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Ailbhe Leamy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> simple ESC+q. However, I found par, and now I need to know how to make
> elvis use it. Oh, and make it use a ~/.exrc file, so I can have pretty
> colours while editing.

"" Par lines from my .exrc.  Note literal control codes in this message.
"" (I use vi, so this should generally work with clones.)
"" Likewise, reformat the current paragraph
map v mz{j0!}par w72Th
"" With justification
map V mz{j0!}par w72Thj1
"" Reformat to 64 columns -- for block quotations
map K mz{j0!}par w64Th
"" With justification
map  mz{j0!}par w64Thj1

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago

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