** I am not on this list, if you reply, please CC me! Thanks! **


I have two questions I came upon while leetifying my .muttrc :)

I want 'c' to do 'change-folders, ?, tab' so I did 'macro index c "c?\t"'
But ofcourse that introduced a macro-loop. I solved this by doing a
'bind @ change-folders', and then 'macro index c "@?\t"'. But now I'm
wondering if this is the best way to do this, or wether you can tell
mutt to use the binded value of c :)

I receive a lot of gpg signed mail, but 99.9% of the times I am not
really interrested if the key is real and if the signature is
good/trusted. But mutt always forks a process of gpg to check the
signatures. I discovered pgp_verify_sig could tune this behaviour, but
setting that to 'no' causes mutt to not-check *ANY* mail.
Is there any way that mutt can just show crypted / signed messages and
when I want to check / decrypt I can press 'W' or some other key to tell
mutt to fork a process of gpg and show me the output like it does with
pgp_verify_sig set to yes?

It would be ultimately cool if mutt sees the difference between SIGNED
mail and CRYPTED mail, because I always want to decrypt CRYPTED mail :)

Please let me know by CC, as I'm not on this list...

Thanks in advance,

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