:: cookies, multiple character-set support are the ones listed 
:: on w3m's webpage.
:: Though there is some cookie support in the code, it appears 
:: that they don't
:: regard it as complete-enough to take away the disclaimer.
:: I run several browsers as external viewers from lynx - w3m 
:: included.  Both
:: w3m and links fail to view some of the pages that I look at 
:: (and often
:: don't display tables in a more readable form than lynx's 
:: simple approach).
:: (w3m with ssl isn't that small either, in case you're one of 
:: those people who
:: toss in the "300kb" figure ;-)

Links is quite good... does tables, ssl etc, but I guess it's a bit

ls -la `which links`

590716 Mar  3 16:39 /usr/bin/links*


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