On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Kai Weber wrote:

> Hi,

> I am searching for a way to get the current selected folder for
> scripting. I want something like this:

> folder-hook .  source $MATCHED_FOLDER.rc

> Depending on what folder I entered, I want to know what folder that
> was. 

While you're doing that, find out what the name of the
currently-edited (or last edited) message is ;-)

That is to say, I don't think you can do that. These would have
to be environmental variables set by mutt, and I don't think mutt
sets any of these. 

However, you can use "-" to return to the previous folder on the
<change-folder> command, so perhaps you could use that in .muttrc,
like you can use "!" to set mailboxes.

Greg Matheson                There is nothing as good as a 
Chinmin College,             practical theory.
Taiwan                       --Kurt Lewin's practicality maxim corollary

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