On 01-07-31 Chris Gushue wrote:
> Kyle Knack ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > On a side note, and this is definately vim related, I have defined a
> > color in my vimrc for message signatures, however with my sig, it colors
> > up to the "Kyle Knack" but not the quote.  Funny how it's similar to my
> > cursor problem.  Maybe I should just kill the quote ;)  Any help is
> > appreciated.  Thanks!

> If you're using my set editor="blah" line, that makes perfect sense. The
> last bit on the line calling vim makes the cursor jump to the first
> blank line from the bottom (this next line should all be on one line):

> set editor='vim + -c "set textwidth=72" -c "set wrap" -c "set nocp"
>       -c "?^$"'

Hm, setting everything on the command line? Why not use some autocmd for
this purpose like this:

autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost mutt-* set textwidth=72 nocp wrap

> If you make vim search for the -second- blank line from the bottom, that
> should work just fine. I -think- you can do this by using "2?^$", but
> I'm not too sure offhand... vim gurus, feel free to clarify that.

I use this one for position the cursor, which is as far as I remember
from Sven Guckes:

autocmd BufRead mutt-* 1;/^$/+

This one positions the cursor in the first line of the posting, then it
searches for the first empty line. Then the cursor is moved to the next
line, so it points to the attribution line, which is quite exactly where
I want the cursor to be, when writing a mail or replying to one.

Execute every act of thy life as though it were thy last.
                -- Marcus Aurelius

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