I know this is OT... 

I used to have my procmail filtering duplicate messages and it worked
fine using: 

:0 Whc: .msgid.lock
| formail -D 16384 .msgid.cache
:0 a:

But when I changed boxes It kinda stopped with no apparent reason, I
noticed this just this morning when looking at my procmail log, it said:

formail: Couldn't open ".msgid.cache"
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Aug  7 09:41:17 2001
  Folder: /home/nelsong/mail/Inbox/new/_D-B,9_-b7.cbl-09                   1522 

Does someone have an Idea on why it might be doing this?

Also, my .msgid.cache is where it is supposed to be...

[nelsong:~]$ ls -l .msgid.cache 
-rw-r--r--    1 nelsong  users           0 Aug  7 09:40 .msgid.cache

Nelson D. Guerrero

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