On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 12:46:25AM -0700, Justin R. Miller wrote:
> Thus spake Justin R. Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Been meaning to get around to an automatic trash-emptying macro
> > though...
[ nifty Python script deleted ]

    Perhaps I'm missing the goal, but if you just want to occasionally
    clean out your trash, why not let Mutt do it?

    Here's my (admittedly quick and dirty) trash maintenance stuff, with
    lots reused [i.e. stolen :-] from earlier postings to the list:

    ## Delete messages to the trash can rather than bit-bucket, unless
    ## we're in the trash folder.
    folder-hook .       macro index d "<save-message>~/tmp/.mail_trash<enter>y"
    folder-hook .       macro pager d "<save-message>~/tmp/.mail_trash<enter>y"

    folder-hook mail_trash   macro index d "<delete-message>"
    folder-hook mail_trash   macro pager d "<delete-message>"

    # When we go into to the trash folder, tag stuff greater than 30 
    # days old.  Don't mark anything that's already flagged, though.
    folder-hook mail_trash  push 'T~r>30d!~F\n'

    So all one needs to do is occasionally (I probably do it weekly just
    to drag something back out) visit your trash folder, then before
    leaving, mark the tagged messages as deleted.

    It scares me a bit to have something other than a "mail" program
    dinking with my mailboxes...


It has long been known that one horse can run faster than another --
but which one?  Differences are crucial.
                -- Lazarus Long

Eric Peterson WB6PYK (805)370-3046 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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