Hello all,

I am new to this mailing list. I have been using mutt now for a few month,
and I am very satisfied with it.

In my .muttrc I have the line

         my_hdr From: Tom Koornwinder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The system would give as my mail address


However, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is also valid, and eventually, there will be
a system-wide transition to @science.uva.nl

In my mailbox files, when I open them with   mutt -f  ,
the menu mentions stored outgoing mails, if sent by me in my identity of
Tom Koornwinder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, as

        Tom Koornwinder

(the sender) instead of the name of person to whom the mail was addressed.
For mails sent by me in my identity of [EMAIL PROTECTED], the listing is

        F "name of person to which email was addressed"

Of course, I prefer the second version.

How can I preserve the my_hdr line in my .muttrc and still get the desired
menu setup?

                Tom Koornwinder

Tom H. Koornwinder
Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Plantage Muidergracht 24, 1018 TV AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS.
tel.:  +31-20-525 5297 (office and mobile), +31-20-525 5217 (secretary),
       +31-20-525 5101 (fax),               +31-20-525 5200 (switchboard),
       +31-35-694 4981 (home)
URL:   http://www.science.uva.nl/~thk/

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