On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 06:59:11AM -0400, David T-G wrote:

[... <some very long config line> ;) ...]

| % This is because of GnuPG: when Mutt asks gpg for a key, and in case
| % gpg doesn't have it, it downloads the key from a server, and passes
| % it back to Mutt. So the retrieving is transparent to Mutt...
| Right.  I think it likely, though, that you have a default value for
| pgp_getkeys_command and are using that.

Nopz. Just deleted your key (sorry), added

set pgp_getkeys_command=""

to my ~/.muttrc and it did download your key again ;). So IMHO if you
have set a good keyserver in your ~/.gnupg/options file, you don't
need the pgp_getkeys_command...

René Clerc                      - ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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