Matthias --

...and then Matthias LOITSCH said...
% is it possible to have different mutt settings for different mail boxes?

Suresh has already answered this one...

% and can i change all mails to read in specific mail boxes? (via procmail
% or mutt)

If you mean "change all mails in a specific folder from unread to read",
then I'd recomment mutt.  Use tag-pattern (bound by default to T) and
enter '.' as your pattern to tag them all, and then tag-prefix (;)
clear-flag (W) new (N) to clear both 'N'ew and 'O'ld indicators.

% thank you for your help.


% .
% -- 
% Matthias Loitsch     \/         \/
% [EMAIL PROTECTED]            chimera
%       /\         /\ 130599081

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
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