
I try to setup mutt to read my imap mailbox that is only accessible using
SSL. In my muttrc I added:
 set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certificates

and ~/.mutt/certificate contains my client certificate that I received from
our CA. From what I understand from the documentation this is also(?) the
file where the server certificates are kept/added.

When I try to connect to the imap server (which is actually a imap daemon
behind stunnel) I get:
 sambal:~> mutt -f imaps://incoming-s:993/inbox
 SSL failed: unspecified protocol error

I know that client certification needs to be done to this server. Is this
done by the mutt imap-SSL implementation? If this is not supported, is there
an other way to connect to my imap-SSL mailbox?

Thanks in advance,


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