Alexander, et al --

...and then Alexander V. Konstantinou said...
% > % Right now I've achieved this functionality through a wrapper shell
% > % script that greps for the alias name and invokes mutt with the real
% > % user name.
% > 
% > That makes sense, though it sounds somewhat painful.
% It is not really painful, or slow for that matter on my machine ...

I'm sure it's easy to use, and I'm glad it's not slow.  By "painful",
though, I meant that it requires an extra step and you have to wrap your
mutt invocation.

% Here is my quick and dirty script:
--8<-- snip

A nice piece of work.  Not so dirty at all :-)

% > Have you checked out Hans Bogaard's save_alias patch?  That lets you
% > save your mail to foolong in =foo instead of =foolong, which is perhaps
% > a backwards way of achieving what you want but adds the advantage that
% > your aliases are less likely to collide than real world names and so you
% > shouldn't have any (or should at least have fewer) problems in $folder :-)
% Actually, I like this idea better than mine. I'll try this patch out.

Enjoy!  You can find a copy at

if nowhere else.

% Thanks,
% Alexander

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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