On 2001-11-22 08:18:18 +0300, Odhiambo Washington wrote:

>My autoresponder was sorted out. Yesterday after subscribing to 
>vm-pop3d-users, I went to add the list name to the mailbot and 
>kinda made a fatal error.


>That ommission in the line continuation has caused so much grief 
>to me and almost the whole world. At some point such fuck-ups come 
>in because of so much pressure around.

Frankly, I think the logic of your autoresponder is flawed.

Instead of not responding to messages to known mailing lists, you 
should rather restrict repsonses to messages which explicitly 
mention your e-mail address in the header, just like vacation(1) did.

That way, a configuration error will normally have effect that some 
messages don't get automatic responses, which is much more friendly 
to mailing list posters.

Thomas Roessler                        http://log.does-not-exist.org/

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