
On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 Ralph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed into the ether:
[-- snipped out 3460 lines !! --]

2 things -

* Please don't send such big attachments on the list. If you want
everyone to read a file, just put it up somewhere and post the link.

I have a dialup connection to the net, and it cries.

In this case especially, it seems as though the 2 files you have
attached are the default rc files supplied in the mutt package. If that
is so, then I'm sure _everyone_ here has them locally - so why post it ?

* Secondly, Why is your Mail-Followup-To header @localhost.localdomain ?


Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                What, me worry ?
http://www.symonds.net/~prahladv/                    Don't Panic !

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