Thomas, et al --

...and then Thomas Dickey said...
% On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 01:54:35PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > One thing you might do is to tell your editor to wrap your lines at 72
% > characters or so...
% that's what editors are for (mutt-users seems to have a lot of vim-users,


% though of course I use vile - either way it's just a keystroke to reflow).

Ick.  I don't like reflowing someone else's text.  I don't like someone
else reflowing mine, either.

% > ...and then Skylar Thompson said...
% > % 
% > % I have a Wy30+ serial terminal that is currently sitting in my living room. 
% ..
% > Have you tried running mutt with TERM=vt100?  That's pretty basic and
% > simple, and should be a good start.
% vt100 is nothing like wyse30 (unless of course the wyse30 terminal
% has a vt100 emulation that he can use - then it might be something like ;-)

I figured the latter as fairly likely, but I also figured that vt100
was about as basic as one could get.  Shows you what I know :-)

Lovely Greek goo you posted a bit ago; I found it very interesting (well,
no, not really, but perhaps Skylar will find it helpful ;-)

% -- 
% Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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