Daniel --

...and then Daniel Eisenbud said...
% On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 08:16:08PM -0500, David T-G 
% > 
% > ...and then Ken Weingold said...
% > % 
% > % Instead of something like -?-?-?-?- , maybe things like -?4?-> or the
% > 
% > That sounds pretty cool.  Daniel is working on the code and might be able
% I've thought about doing this.  I may well do so, but it's nontrivial to

Ah.  Well, that's different :-)

% add and I'm about to be out of the reach of the internet (mostly, at
% least) until January.  I'll bring my laptop along on my travels, though,

Have a good trip!

% so perhaps I'll get some coding done along the way.  With the patch I
% just sent to mutt-dev and mutt-users it's pretty much all or nothing,

I saw this below, BTW, though I haven't read it yet.  At least I found

% though I with hide_missing set mutt still does show the necessary amount
% of information to make it clear why it's sorting the way it does.  Tell
% me what you think!  (I'll still be in email range until sometime

Will do :-)

% Friday.)  Anyway, if you don't mind the question marks in principle, now
% having hide_missing unset unless you're dealing with a really wide
% sparse thread, and then toggling it, is probably a good way to go (and
% definitely what I plan to do.)

I can see a ,h or ,t macro now :-)

% -Daniel

Thanks again!

% -- 
% Daniel E. Eisenbud
% "We should go forth on the shortest walk perchance, in the spirit of
% undying adventure, never to return,--prepared to send back our embalmed
% hearts only as relics to our desolate kingdoms."
%                                       --Henry David Thoreau, "Walking"

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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