Hi all!

I'm using procmail with spamassassin on my imap server with good
success. Most spam is filtered out.

But of course some false positives happen and I've configured
spamassassin to rewrite these messages.

What I'd like to have is a possibility to remove the spamassassin markup
and save the message from within mutt. Removing the markup with a filter
works with "| spamassassin -d". But how do I then save the filtered
message? I'm using IMAP, if that matters.

mail:   gerhard <at> bigfoot <dot> de       registered Linux user #64239
web:    http://www.cs.fhm.edu/~ifw00065/    OpenPGP public key id 86AB43C0
public key fingerprint: DEC1 1D02 5743 1159 CD20  A4B6 7B22 6575 86AB 43C0
reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b')))

Attachment: msg21722/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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