Is there any way to get the Mutt-1.3.24i threading behavior back?
It looks like it changed again in Mutt-1.3.25i.  Specifically, I
like seeing the ?'s, but only enough to give me context.  Today,
with hide_missing set, I see something like this

?-?-?-?-?-?-?->Re: foo
            `-?->Re: foo

The string of leading ?'s takes up a lot of space and, IMHO,
doesn't convey much useful information.  Instead, I'd like to see

?->Re: foo
`-?->Re: foo

This is more compact, but I can still tell how the two messages
relate to one another.  This used to be the behavior when
hide_missing was unset, correct?  Is this no longer possible?



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