On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 11:18:06AM +0100, René Clerc wrote:
> | "set mail_check" configures how often (in seconds) mutt should look
> | for new mail. I have it set to 5, but new e-mail that I receive does
> | *not* show up within 5 seconds.
> | 
> | It seems that it only shows up if I press a key in mutt.
> Do you have set the $mailboxes directive to look at the correct
> mailbox(es)?

I didn't have $mailboxes set, but I assumed that my inbox (~/Maildir/)
would be automatically included...

I just tried typing ":mailboxes ~/Maildir/" and then sent a message to
myself and waited 10 seconds. Again, the message did not show up until
I pressed a key in mutt. (Yes, I've made sure that my mail server is
not delaying the message.)

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