* Michael Elkins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Hanspeter Roth wrote:
> > Some mailinglists prefix every subject with the name of the list.
> > Is it possible to suppress this prefix in the index_format? How?  Or
> > is this a case for procmail?
> It's more efficient to do it with procmail since you only have to do
> the operation once at delivery time.

Some of us are alergic to subject mangling like this (and there's no
knowing what the mailing list will do if we strip it entirely); and
we're already applying a regexp to the subject to work out Re:'s; I
wouldn't mind a subject_transform_regexp provided it didn't slow things
down too much.

If people can put up with the overhead of large maildir mailboxes I'm
sure they can put up with an extra few fractions of a second for
something like this :)

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  http://www.aagh.net/
Anthony's Law of Force:
        Don't force it; get a larger hammer.

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