On 12-Jan-2002 19:08 Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
| One thing though: Somewhere the following header is created:
|       Content-Disposition: inline; filename="msg.pgp"
| This causes Outlook to show an attachment where there obviously is
| none.  Could this be safely ommited?

    Viktor, I was revisiting some code related to the pgp code and remembered
    this thread about p_c_t and non-us-ascii messages.  Using your patch as a
    guideline, I have created a new patch with some slight variations from
    your own.  In particular, I removed the 'filename="msg.pgp"' (use_disp = 0)
    and decided against having an additional variable to force traditional
    use with 8bit messages.  Instead, p_c_t is always consulted even when the
    content is 8bit.  I really don't know if that'll cause more headaches for
    people or not.  If anyone decides to try this patch, please let me know
    if you experience any issues.  You can find the patch here:


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