
On Fri, 18 Jan 2002 Aaron Schrab spewed into the ether:
[-- snip --]
> No, that's just his local MTA listing where it got the message from.
> There's likely no way to change the value there, since it would likely
> always use the login name of the invoking user, and "localhost" since
> it's getting the message from a pipe rather than via SMTP.
> This value would not be passed to the recipient's mail server in anyway.
> Actually, it might be sent in a Received: header, but the message is
> rejected before the local MTA has a chance to send any of the headers.
> > Try setting 'envelope_from' in your muttrc.
> The envelope from is already being set fine (at least it's not obiously
> wrong, and is in a domain that exists).  See the "MAIL From:" line
> quoted in the original message.

Oops ! You're right. Replied too fast to that one, without reading the
transcript properly. Sorry :-(

Well, then, I guess Todd will just have to contact the sys-admin and
figure out what the 'policy' is.

Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'll defend to the death your right to say that, but I never said I'd
listen to it!
                -- Tom Galloway with apologies to Voltaire

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