On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Jeremy Blosser wrote:

> Yeah... there's a little more to that... we'd just switched from a Novell
> Groupwise system to using Exchange for the group mail stuff with qmail on
> the border handling the real incoming/outgoing mail (talk about your bad
> news/good news situations).  This was pretty much the first Friday after we
> switched.  When he heard the story, one of the old Groupwise admins
> commented that the Groupwise system used to go down every Friday at about
> the same time, and they never quite knew why... they just bounced the
> server and it was fine again.  So the theory (among managers anyway) became
> that this was some kind of regular mail that had been going on all along,
> but had never been a "problem" before because Groupwise just crashed and it
> died there.  It seems to me there would still be a queue with those
> messages waiting to go out again that would keep causing problems til they
> fixed it, but I don't know Groupwise.

Isn't that what logs are for?

You know, to help diagnose issues such as that.

But checking log files was never a strong point for windows though.
Even in NT where logs are actually kept,  I'm not sure how often they
were actually checked.


You live, You die.  Enjoy the interval!
        -- Clarence

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