On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 07:23:10PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Hi all.
>I have several mailadresses, is it possible to config mutt
>that it uses the from adres instead of the default from.
>For example:
>A person has mailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>When I repley I want [EMAIL PROTECTED] as from in stead of
>my default from adres [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I have searched the muttrc manpage and found the
>set reverse_name option, but it doesn't work.
>Can somebody help me?
>Peter Durieux

  This is just a guess, but have you set $alternates as well? I don't
know if it's required but maybe...

 John Buttery

       Why do CS majors always confuse Christmas and Halloween?

                       Because DEC(25)=OCT(31).

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