On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 09:54:11AM +0100, Erika Pacholleck wrote:
>[08.03.02 00:03 +0100] Marco Fioretti <-- :
>> About this particular project: let's just do it in whatever language
>> the majority of the volunteers is ALREADY proficient with, not with the one
>> which the majority of the list thinks better for any reason.
>I do not agree to this, one thing I would ask you to consider:
>Take a language which you can expect to be present on minimal systems.
>Otherwise you might end up in dependencies which are no advantage for
>mutt. One of the advantages of console progs is that they do not need
>hundreds of extra languages installed to get them going.
>Speaking of installing a distro (which most beginners would do) those
>are already blown up enough, now imagine you would for example need
>a jre just for the mutt config tool .. -- speaking of compiling mutt
>yourself (which more experienced would do but which does not mean that
>they understand all the muttrc values) is even worse if (often seen)
>the documentation does not mention all dependencies. And as a result of
>that, it might happen that a user of netscape/kde/pine.. who has heard
>of mutts capabilities and wants to try that, will stay with his old
>one because the only alternate to those depencies would be vim+manual.
>Viewing from this point, perl would be a good choice and as far as I
>saw from former postings it might turn out to become perl.
>Erika Pacholleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>mutters: insert vowels of last name

  I agree with this logic; there's nothing that this shell script needs
to do that can't be done with a Bourne shell script.  That's the one
interpreter you're always guaranteed to have.  Now, having said that, I
would imagine that most systems that have mutt installed will also have
perl... :)

 John Buttery
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