On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Rob Reid wrote:

> At  3:19 PM EST on March 12 Sven Guckes sent off:
> > I am aware that the short date form like 020312 could be mistaken for
> > 1902-03-12 or 2102-03-12 - but so far it has not been a problem.  ;-)

> You sound like a 1970s COBOL programmer ;->  Anyway, if I didn't know that
> today is March 12, 2002, I'd be tempted to read 020312 as an American zip code,

American zip codes are either 5 or 9 digits, not 6!  :)

> or Feb. 3, 2012.  6 digits just aren't very robust when taken out of context,
> or read with someone else's context.


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