* Mike Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-18 06:45]:
> I have a few questions I was unable to find answers for in the docs/web:
> 1. How can I disable the 'L' flag in 1.3.28i? It's redundant for me
> since I already use procmail to sort my list-mail into folders.

I suppose this flag is shown in the folder index -
so you need to change the variable "index_format".

> 2. How can I match match both '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> and '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in a subscribe line?

No. you cannot use a pattern with "lists/susbscribe" -
but only an "address". or to be more precise
"an address prefix".  but that's as good as it gets.

so you need two commands for your two lists
as they do not share a common prefix.

> 3. In folder-view, is there a way to bind a key
> to move down to the next folder with unread mail?

No.  there is no such command as
"next-unread" in the folder-view menu.
I suggest you sort by "sort" by "(d)ate".


Sven Guckes          http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/setup.html
Mutt setup from scratch, Sven's sample setup; attribution, "limit", "list"
vs "subscribe", histories, mailcap, POP, hooks, use of external pagers,
troubleshooting, adding header lines, "from Mozilla to Mutt".

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