* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-18 09:26:00 -0500]:
> % > macro for 'q' (bound to "exit" in the pager menu) so that you sync after
> % > you've opened and read the message.  Have fun binding all of the other
> % > possible ways to leave a message ;-)
> % 
> % I guess it would be much easier to patch mutt than to find all these ways.
> Well, it gets easier if the sync immediately upon entering the pager
> catches a transition from new to read...  He should try that, first.

message-hook ~A 'exec sync-mailbox'

seems to create an endless loop.

macro pager ~2 "<enter-command>macro pager ~~ ~1\n"
macro pager ~1 "<enter-command>macro pager ~~ ~2\n<sync-mailbox>"
macro pager ~~ ~1
message-hook ~A 'push ~~'

seems to avoid it, but it slows the opening of messages significantly
down (at least here).


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