
I send this to the user's list and not to developer's because I do not
want to 'spam' anybody.

The problem is the following: if I would type fast enough to send a few
dozen mails a minute, I wanted to be abled to include the date and time
in the file I specify by the 'record' variable. Using `date`. But `date`
is only expanded on startup. Pipes may not be used. So that all mails
would end up in the same file the with time mutt read the config file.
And permanently re-reading the config file is ugly.

Just wondering if there's a mechanism to tell mutt to expand it
everytime the value of a variable is used. Maybe by allowing pipes to be
used more often or even generally?

If not the documentation should be changed since it mentions the use of
a pipe for the 'signature' variable. This may let people expect, that it
works in other variables of type 'path', too. Which is not the case.  At
least a note should be inserted, that this for this variable only (just
for the stupid ones ;-).

I thought of dividing the 'path' type into one dynamic and on static.
The dynamic ones would allow pipes generall whereby the static don't.
Just a thought.

Any ideas, opinions, comments?


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