27-Mar-02 at 13:07, Rob 'Feztaa' Park ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
> Alas! Martin Karlsson spake thus:
> > Rob, your X-Uptime header shows even the no. of hundreds odf
> > seconds; I think Rocco ironically suggests that it perhaps could be
> > more specific -> meaning that he thinks it is _very_ specific.
> I see... ;)

Did you just make it even more ridiculously accurate, or is that just me?

Maybe Rob is really a python script which takes everything literally?

[Simon White. vim/mutt. [EMAIL PROTECTED] GIMPS:57.38% see www.mersenne.org]
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots.  So far, the Universe is winning.  -- Rich Cook
[Arbitrary quotes signature rotation, a simple bash script by Simon White]

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